LA Saibaba satsang


Satsang has three meanings: ‘Sat’ means ‘truth’. ‘Sang’ means ‘communion’. Our communion with the truth, our attunement to the truth. That is real Satsang. ‘Sang’ with ‘Sat’.

The second meaning is to be in the company of those who have realized the truth (Sat-Purushas). And the third significance is the company of like-minded people in which we are sharing and discussing with ardent devotion about truth. We have to do Satsang in all the three ways. When we are alone with ourselves we do the first type, thinking about truth and about what we really need. Whenever we have an opportunity we have to meet and take the guidance and blessing of those who have realized the truth.

Thirdly, if it is not possible to be in the company of saints we have to associate ourselves with like-minded people, sit together and discuss about truth and Sat-Purushas. This is Satsang.